Sunday, November 30, 2008

Red Lady at Farm One

This is the latest pictures of the Red lady at Farm One as of November 27, 2008.

Half of the plants from the population of more than 300 plants are already on the fruiting stage. The first pick is expected during December (inshalah).

Other plants aborted fruits due to harsh climatic conditions brought by typhoons and heavy rains during the month of October. But, as of this date, the papayas are showing fruitlets and healthy big flowers.

Visitors at Farm One (KHS batch 72)

During the second week of November, Kalookan High School Batch 72 visited Farm One.

FYI, this group headed by Deng is preparing for a grand reunion comes January 10 and 11, 2009.

Graduates residing in the country as well those based abroad will be coming to attend the GR. The group is trying to gather 300 attendees for the prepared 2 days affair.

Mostly professionals, this group pledged support for the marketing and selling of red lady papaya.

The proposed atchara factory to be managed by Deng was also discussed and they were delighted to support the manufacturing and selling of atchara.

Also a chemist will be collaborating with us in the future for the manufacture of papaya beauty soap. He was once connected with a well known beauty products manufacturing entity. Knowing the trade by heart, he then stand alone and started to manufacture beauty soap and by products of papaya.

Visitors at Farm One (TFMF)

The Tongol Family Mutual Fund (TFMF) composed of the elders of each siblings visited Farm One to take a look at the Red Lady's.

They believe the papaya business will flourish that is why they requested me to allocate for them one hectare of farmland to be planted with red lady, also in Suklayin.

The farm will be using BPN as the plant nutrition. They reserved approx. 35 gallons for the project.

Feta farm 4 (Manding Calma)

Some members of FETA, a well known tennis association in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia formed a cooperative to go into Agriculture business.

The group is now the main distributor of BPN in Central Luzon, likewise, the company lease land to plant palay, corn, vegetables and fruits. Their focus is now on red lady papayas.

Four farms of red lady's are now on hand and fast growing, the biggest is the 1.1ha. located at Suklayin, Arayat.

The group is expanding for more!

Also by products of papayas like atchara, sweet dry papaya, beauty soap are now on the board prior to serious studies.

This nursery of closed to 1500 papaya seedlings are now ready to be planted during the second week of December.

Kudos to FETA!

Feta farm 3 (Larry Austria)

More pics of red lady to be uploaded later.

Feta farm 2 (Narcing Magkalas)

As I remember, it was over one month when I delivered the last papaya seedlings to former Kap Magkalas in Bitas, Arayat.

I was surprised with the development of the plants. The papayas planted along side the bank of the fishpond are now bearing fruits. The crop is the healthiest among the feta farms that I visited this November.

Feta farm 1 ( Romy Austria)

For more than one month, I was not able to take a glance at Romy's farm, more than 300 meters climb at the foot of Mount Arayat.

I was surprised with the development of the papayas, from small seedlings to tall papayas in full flowers.

Tall grasses are competing the Red Lady's during my visit that is why I was not able to get a clear view of the papayas. This week, the papayas will now being cleared with grasses.